Thursday, February 14, 2008

Andy Petite: Class Act

Man, that Andy Petite is just a class act. He must be, since everyone from Congressmen to Sportswriters to Roger Clemens says so. I mean he's deeply religious guys, I hope you realize that, and these proceedings have taken such a toll on him. Poor guy. He's so filled with angst from all of this that he has to show up late to spring training. Just a real classy guy. All he ever did was cheat twice, or maybe a few more time than that, by doing HGH...but he told the truth, sort of, every single time he was asked except for a few times! A class act! I think he should be even more heavily lauded for his integrity than he already has been for only lying about cheating a few times! What a great guy Andy Petite is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can we please remove the boxes w/ the Patriots postseason predictions? It's just salt in the wound.